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About us

Ravenswood Elementary School, in partnership with Youth Guidance and Columbia College Chicago (CCAP), presents Before and After School Adventures (BASA). BASA offers on-site, supervised creative child care programs, plus the opportunity to enroll in an ever-expanding variety of classes and workshops for students of all ages.
Youth Guidance, a school-based non-profit social service agency, helps at-risk students use their talents to create positive futures by providing programs that guide them academically, socially and emotionally. Youth Guidance has maintained a presence at Ravenswood School since the fall of 2007 and has been key in linking out of school time services to the school day.
Youth Guidance has served Chicago’s at-risk children and youth since 1924. The key to our effectiveness is our ability to deal with the rapid changes of inner-city communities on a neighborhood level. Youth Guidance became a leader in the social service sector in 1969 when we established full-time outposts in the Chicago Public Schools. Youth Guidance still works in the schools today. Working with the children and youth on their turf gives our workers the insight and sensitivity needed to develop innovative programs to help meet the varied needs of students, schools, families and communities.
The Center for Community Arts Partnerships (CCAP) was founded in 1998 at Columbia College Chicago. CCAP is committed to transforming lives through the arts. To fulfill this mission, CCAP develops programs that expand learning, connect Columbia College Chicago to schools and communities, and build a new generation of engaged artists. CCAP brings the concepts of community-based learning, arts-integrated curricula and reciprocal partnerships into the spotlight. It unites artists, educators, students, corporations, schools, and community-based organizations to form meaningful, sustainable partnerships in the arts.
CCAP’s vision is to use the arts and creativity to make teaching and learning in K-20 grades deeper and more meaningful, so students of all ages can thrive in the 21st century.

Emily Piper

Resource Coordinator, Youth Guidance

(312) 927-8147

Ceirra Acosta

Assistant Resource Coordinator, YG


Alyce McQueen

Coordinator, CCAP









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